
Professor Helen Cooper

Helen Cooper is Professor of Medieval and Renaissance English at the University of Cambridge, and fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge.

Professor Cooper is essentially interested in the continuity of literature across the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Her thesis was on pastoral (literature that uses the shepherd world as a metaphor for the real one: there's a surprising amount of it) from the late Classical period to Milton. Her most recent book is on romance, from its invention in the twelfth century to the death of Shakespeare. She has also published extensively on the Canterbury Tales.


Dr Richard Dance

Richard Dance is Senior Lecturer in Old English Language and Literature Fellow of St Catharine's College at the University of Cambridge.

Among his academic interests are: Old and early Middle English language and literature; Old English phonology and dialectology; the influence of Old Norse upon early English; the language of early Middle English literature, especially Ancrene Wisse.


Dr Simon Horobin

Simon Horobin is Reader in Medieval English Language and Tutorial Fellow at the Faculty of English at the University of Oxford.

Dr Horobin's research is focused on the history and development of the English Language, with particular interests in literary language, dialectology and palaeography. He is also engaged in the study of Medieval manuscripts and is co-director of an AHRC Project (with Linne Mooney, University of York) to identify the scribes who copied literary manuscripts of the fifteenth century.